The Lee McFerren Agency

Automobile and Homeowners Insurance

Automobile insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance, and business insurance are offered through The Lee McFerren Agency located in Meadville, PA 16335.

Life insurance is a tough discussion. Few people want to talk about their mortality. Questions arise every time the life insurance conversation begins: Upon your death, will your family have enough money to live the way they are accustomed to living? Will your spouse or significant other be able to pay off the mortgage, send your children to college or pay off debts?

Life insurance is one solution. It can help your family in their time of financial need. Talk to your agent about how much coverage is enough. Have the conversation. Find out more about life insurance options and how to apply.

Life insurance isn't for dad. It's for his children. Talk to an agent . Get covered today!

The Lee McFerren Agency copyright @2016