The Lee McFerren Agency

Automobile and Homeowners Insurance

Automobile insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance, and business insurance are offered through The Lee McFerren Agency located in Meadville, PA 16335.

We are an independent insurance agency committed to building relationships with our policyholders, so we can minimize their exposure to risks on the road, at home, and in their business.

Why choose The Lee McFerren Agency? (1) We offer some of the industries leading carriers who provide excellent value and coverage. (2) The creation of our proposals is based on lifestyles and protecting policyholders from the severity of a covered loss giving them peace of mind before, during and after an event. (3) Six month and 12 month reviews are scheduled to assure your policy matches your day to day activities. (4) We are accessible during non-traditional days and hours via an agency app on Google Play for Android and at the Apple App Store. (5) Clients refer their friends, family, and co-workers to us because our agency has built trust within the community. 

The next time you're ready to review your policy or find a new insurance carrier, we have options! Call (814) 209-7375.





The Lee McFerren Agency copyright @2016