The Lee McFerren Agency

Automobile and Homeowners Insurance

Automobile insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance, and business insurance are offered through The Lee McFerren Agency located in Meadville, PA 16335.

Do you have a business? Protect it against slip and fall accidents, damage to the property you rent or the items that you sell. Have a discussion about a Business Owners Policy (BOP) which covers liability, the building, and its content. A General Liability policy (GL) is also available to protect your business against negligence. Depending on what kind of business you have, coverage could be issued in one day.

Business insurance can be complex. Know the history of the building: year it was built, what kind of roof it has, square footage, the services the business provides and products it sells, safety features, and what kind of day to day risks the business faces.

The Lee McFerren Agency copyright @2016